Monday, May 13, 2013

DIY Tinted Moisturizer

I'm really fickle when it comes to my foundation. Mainly because, while my temperamental skin usually needs more coverage, I hate wearing a lot of makeup. Thus, I've dabbled in the tinted moisturizer market from time-to-time (my all-time favorite is this) but often find that I'm not getting the coverage I need. 

So I decided to take matters into my own hands. Literally.

I started creating my own foundation formulations with what I already had at home, and what I really love is that I can customize my coverage depending on the status of my skin... without having to buy more products. 

I started with my powder foundation. Since my skin is on the dry side, I created a one-part powder to two-parts moisturizer combination that I really love. Remember that when using a powder, you're always going to want to use a higher volume of moisturizer. Unless your skin is on the oily side, in which case, you might be fine with a one-to-one ratio. I always make sure that I use a foundation and/or moisturizer with SPF for obvious reasons. Since the powder foundation I use has SPF (try this brand to save some major dollars), I pair it with a richer moisturizer with no SPF (that way I can use the same moisturizer at night and save some money). 

After I made the reticent leap to full-blown liquid foundation, I found that mixing it with some moisturizer didn't compromise the coverage, but actually aided the foundation in being a bit more "breathable." I usually mix one-part liquid foundation to 1.5-parts moisturizer, but I'll play with the ratio depending on the day. Since the foundation I use does not contain SPF, I've paired it with a moisturizer that does. 
DIY Tinted Moisturizer
1 || 2 || 3 || 4

I've yet to find a money tree, so if I splurge on my foundation, I try to save on the moisturizer and vice versa. Don't be afraid to experiment... I find that's half the fun. Happy formulating! 

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